Suzuki Intruder Owners Club UK
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VL800 merch

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VL800 merch Empty VL800 merch

Post  Scotsman Wed 12 Jan 2022, 17:27

Is it me or am I in the wrong club. 
The M1800s even have a cap stating it's the owners club but nothing relating to the 800 model, is there a reason for this, seems a bit strange. Yes it would be nice to have a balanced merch for all Intruder models but understand that is not possible, having said that I would have expected the "800's" to have a good following on this site warranting something to wear.


VL800 merch Subscr12

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VL800 merch Empty 800 merch

Post  AndyDurham Fri 21 Jan 2022, 09:31

Hi Scotsman, I am looking at expanding the Merch lines across all intruder/marauder lines, trouble I am having is getting design ideas people want. I had a supplier lined up for hoodies but this has not happened due to the business closing down. If you have any ideas just drop them on here and we can look at getting something moving. I have got idea for hats with the bike name on the front with IOCUK on the back, but this needs to be balance with demand. To note I have a 800 and would like to represent the club.


Merchandise Manager

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